Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

-Philippians 4:8

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/27/20 The WELL Sitting On A Well Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM WELL_Sitting_On_A_Well_MP3_Mono.mp3 WELL_Sitting_On_A_Well_PP_2016.pptx
12/20/20 "Where Are The Nine?" Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Where_Are_The_Nine_MP3_Mono.mp3 Where_Are_The_Nine_PP_2016.pptx Where_Are_The_Nine_Outline.docx
12/13/20 Dare To Be Like Barnabas! Nathan Morrison Sermon Dare To Be Like... Sun AM Dare_To_Be_Like_Barnabas_MP3_Mono.mp3 Dare_To_Be_Like_Barnabas_PP_2016.pptx Dare_To_Be_LIke_Barnabas_Outline.docx
12/06/20 Lessons From NOTHING! Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Lessons_From_NOTHING_MP3_Mono.mp3 Lessons_From_NOTHING_PP_2016.pptx Lessons_From_NOTHING_Outline.docx
11/29/20 A Matter Of The Heart Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Matter_Of_The_Heart_PP_2016.pptx Matter_Of_The_Heart_Outline.docx Matter_Of_The_Heart_MP3_Mono.mp3
11/22/20 Saints In Caesar's Household Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Saints_In_Caesars_Household_MP3_Mono.mp3 Saints_In_Caesars_Household_Outline.docx Saints_In_Caesars_Household_PP_2016.pptx
11/08/20 The Ultimate Rescue Mission Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Ultimate_Rescue_Mission_MP3_Mono.mp3 Ultimate_Rescue_Mission_PP_2016.pptx Ultimate_Rescue_Mission_Outline.docx
11/01/20 You Are Not Your Issues! Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM You_Are_Not_Your_Issues_PP_2016.pptx You_Are_Not_Your_Issues_Outline.docx You_Are_Not_Your_Issues_MP3_Mono.mp3
10/25/20 Dare To Be Like Andrew! Nathan Morrison Sermon Dare To Be Like... Sun AM Dare_To_Be_Like_Andrew_MP3_Mono.mp3 Dare_To_Be_Like_Andrew_PP_2016.pptx Dare_To_Be_Like_Andrew_Outline.docx
10/21/20 Dealing With Anger (FGM 6) Benjamin Lee Sermon N/A Wed PM 2020-1021_FGM_6_Dealing_With_Anger_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3 2020-1021_FGM_6_Dealing_With_Anger_Benjamin_Lee.pptx
10/20/20 Advancing The Gospel (FGM 5) Benjamin Lee Sermon N/A Tues PM 2020-1020_FGM_5_Advancing_The_Gospel_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3 2020-1020_FGM_5_Advancing_The_Gospel_Benjamin_Lee.pptx
10/19/20 Philippians 4:8 Is Not A Suggestion (FGM 4) Benjamin Lee Sermon N/A Mon PM 2020-1019_FGM_4_Philippians_4_8_Is_Not_A_Suggestion_Benjamin_Lee.pdf 2020-1019_FGM_4_Philippians_4_8_Is_Not_A_Suggestion_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3
10/18/20 Walking Through The Valley (FGM 2) Benjamin Lee Sermon Fall Gospel Meeting 2020 Sun AM 2020-1018_FGM_2_Walking_Through_The_Valley_Benjamin_Lee.pptx 2020-1018_FGM_2_Walking_Through_The_Valley_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3
10/18/20 Don't Drop Your Shield (FGM 3) Benjamin Lee Sermon Fall Gospel Meeting 2020 Sun PM 2020-1018_FGM_3_Dont_Drop_Your_Shield_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3 2020-1018_FGM_3_Dont_Drop_Your_Shield_Benjamin_Lee.pptx
10/18/20 They Couldn't Cancel The Resurrection (FGM 1) Benjamin Lee Sermon Fall Gospel Meeting 2020 Sun AM 2020-1018_FGM_1_They_Couldnt_Cancel_The_Resurrection_PP_Benjamin_Lee.pptx 2020-1018_FGM_1_They_Couldnt_Cancel_The_Resurrection_Benjamin_Lee_MP3_Mono.mp3
10/11/20 Preaching & Teaching In Hymns Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Preaching__Teaching_In_Hymns_MP3_Mono.mp3 Preaching__Teaching_In_Hymns_PP_2016.pptx Preaching__Teaching_In_Hymns_Outline.docx
10/04/20 The Big Picture Of Salvation Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Big_Picture_Of_Salvation_MP3_Mono.mp3 Big_Picture_Of_Salvation_PP_2016.pptx Big_Picture_Of_Salvation_Outline.docx
09/27/20 Compassion Of The Pharisees Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Compassion_Of_The_Pharisees_MP3_Mono.mp3 Compassion_Of_The_Pharisees_PP_2016.pptx Compassion_Of_The_Pharisees_Outline.docx
09/20/20 Forged In Fire Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Forged_Knight_with_Sword_In_Fire_Strong_Christians_Are_Forged_Signed.jpg Forged_In_Fire_PP_2016.pptx Forged_In_Fire_MP3_Mono.mp3 Forged_In_Fire_Outline.docx
09/13/20 In Christ Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM In_Christ_MP3_Mono.mp3 In_Christ_PP_2016.pptx In_Christ_Outline.docx
09/06/20 Traffic Lights Of God Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Traffic_Lights_Of_God_MP3_Mono.mp3 Traffic_Lights_Of_God_PP_2016.pptx Traffic_Lights_Of_God_Outline.docx
08/30/20 What Are You Wearing? Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Are_You_Wearing_MP3_Mono.mp3 What_Are_You_Wearing_PP_2016.pptx What_Are_You_Wearing_Outline.docx
08/23/20 Lessons From Ephesus Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Lessons_From_Ephesus_MP3_Mono.mp3 Lessons_From_Ephesus_PP_2016.pptx Lessons_From_Ephesus_Outline.docx
08/16/20 The Romans Road To Salvation Nathan Morrison Sermon N/A Sun AM Romans_Road_To_Salvation_MP3_Mono.mp3 Romans_Road_To_Salvation_PP_2016.pptx Romans_Road_To_Salvation_Outline.docx
08/12/20 Staying the One Church in the Midst of Error (SGM 6) Jared Hagan Sermon Summer Gospel Meeting 2020 Wed PM 2020-0812_SGM_6_One_Church_in_Midst_of_Error_MP3_Jared_Hagan_Mono.mp3 2020-0812_SGM_6_One_Church_in_Midst_of_Error_PP_Jared_Hagan.pptx

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