Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

-Philippians 4:8

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 1450

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/27/08 The Parable of the Sower Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist07272008AM.mp3
07/20/08 The Prodigal Son Michael Morris Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist07202008AM.mp3
07/13/08 What is Useless Religion? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist07132008PM.mp3
07/13/08 What Is Involved In Being A Christian? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist07132008AM.mp3
07/06/08 God Knows Everything About Me (Part 2 of 2) Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist07062008PM.mp3
07/06/08 God Knows Everything About You (Part 1 of 2) Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist07062008AM.mp3
06/29/08 God's Promises Respecting the Life to Come Larry Houtchens Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06292008AM.mp3
06/22/08 Blueprint of New Testament Christianity Magnus Karlsson Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06222008PM.mp3
06/22/08 God Knows All About Us Dick Salkeld Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06222008AM.mp3
06/15/08 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06152008AM.mp3
06/08/08 Where Would We Be Without the Bible? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06082008PM.mp3
06/08/08 What Does Jesus Mean to Me? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06082008AM.mp3
06/01/08 Lift Up Your Eyes Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06012008PM.mp3
06/01/08 Do You Really Want to Go to Heaven? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06012008AM.mp3
05/25/08 Evangelism in South Africa - Spreading the Word of God Norman Saaymon Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05252008PM.mp3
05/11/08 How to Be Happy Children Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05112008PM.mp3
05/11/08 A Kingdom Not of This World Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist05112008AM.mp3
05/04/08 Walk in the Old Paths Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05042008PM.mp3
05/04/08 Having Happy Homes Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist05042008AM.mp3
04/27/08 Cast Out the Bondwoman Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04272008PM.mp3
04/27/08 Eagerly Desiring the Day of the Lord Kenneth Dark Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04272008AM.mp3
04/20/08 What is the Church of Christ? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04202008AM.mp3
04/13/08 Wisdom Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04132008PM.mp3
04/06/08 The Prayer of a Righteous Man Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04062008PM.mp3
04/06/08 The Plan of Salvation Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04062008AM.mp3

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