Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

-Philippians 4:8

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/07/10 Have You Found God? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist03072010PM.mp3
03/07/10 Necessary Temptations Scott Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist03072010AM.mp3
02/28/10 David and Goliath - Being God's Champion Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist02282010PM.mp3
02/28/10 Epaphroditus Reuben Southall Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist02282010AM.mp3
02/21/10 Building A Positive Attitude Dick Salkeld Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist02212010AM.mp3
02/14/10 For What Will A Man Be Profited? Larry Houtchins Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist02142010AM.mp3
02/07/10 Parable of the Sower Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist02072010AM.mp3
01/24/10 The Certainties of God's Word Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist01242010PM.mp3
01/24/10 Jesus Came to Save Sinners Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist01242010AM.mp3
01/17/10 The Power of Prayer Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist01172010AM.mp3
01/10/10 The Life of Ruth Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist01102010AM.mp3
01/03/10 Every Knee Shall Bow to God Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist01032010PM.mp3
01/03/10 Churches of Christ Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist01032010AM.mp3
11/08/09 The Pharisees Magnus Karlsson Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist11082009PM.mp3
11/08/09 Lessons and Analogies From Exodus Andrew Martindale Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist11082009AM.mp3
11/01/09 Bible Baptisms - Water, Holy Spirit, and Fire Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist11012009PM.mp3
11/01/09 Go Teach All Nations Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist11012009AM.mp3
10/25/09 Paradise Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist10252009AM.mp3
10/18/09 The Christian and His Temptations Jim Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist10182009AM.mp3
10/11/09 Who Was Dorcas? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist10112009AM.mp3
10/04/09 Who Are the Righteous? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist10042009PM.mp3
10/04/09 Lessons From Daniel Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist10042009AM.mp3
09/27/09 Why Search the Scriptures? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist09272009PM.mp3
09/27/09 Humility Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist09272009AM.mp3
09/20/09 Love for God Dick Salkeld Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist09202009AM.mp3

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