Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

-Philippians 4:8

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/05/15 What if God Hadn't Sent Jesus Into the World? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist07052015PM.mp3
07/05/15 Are You Asleep or Awake? Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist07052015AM.mp3
06/28/15 Here Am I - Send Me Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06282015PM.mp3
06/28/15 Fellowship With God and Christ James Buchanan Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06282015AM.mp3
06/21/15 Fathers Dick Salkeld Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06212015AM.mp3
06/14/15 What is Going to Happen to the Kingdom at the End of the World? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06142015PM.mp3
06/14/15 The King and His Kingdom Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06142015AM.mp3
06/07/15 Bible Study Richard Foy Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist06072015PM.mp3
06/07/15 Barnabas Jim Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist06072015AM.mp3
05/31/15 A Worthwhile Life Chuck Burden Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05312015PM.mp3
05/17/15 The Excellency of God Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05172015PM.mp3
05/10/15 Mothers Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist05102015AM.mp3
05/10/15 I Would Rather Be a Christian Because . . . Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist05102015PM.mp3
04/26/15 If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04262015PM.mp3
04/26/15 Hungering and Thirsting After Righteousness Hendrick Joubert Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04262015AM.mp3
04/19/15 Honesty With Ourselves Hendrick Joubert Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04192015PM.mp3
04/19/15 Hope in God Reuben Southall Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04192015AM.mp3
04/12/15 Jesus Went About Doing Good Gene Tope Sermon N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04122015PM.mp3
04/12/15 The Church of Christ Gene Tope Sermon N/A AM CourthouseChurchofChrist04122015AM.mp3
04/10/15 What is Wrong With Lukewarm Christians? Brian Cosner Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04102015Gosp7.mp3
04/09/15 What is Wrong With Instrumental Music? Walter Davis Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04092015Gosp6.mp3
04/08/15 What is Wrong With Baptizing Babies? Gene Tope Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04082015Gosp5.mp3
04/07/15 What is Wrong With Miracles Today? Ed Barnes Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04072015Gosp4.mp3
04/06/15 What is Wrong With the Social Gospel? Lenny Chapman Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04062015Gosp3.mp3
04/05/15 What is Wrong With Once Saved, Always Saved? Jim Tope Gospel Meeting N/A PM CourthouseChurchofChrist04052015Gosp2.mp3

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